2-Day Virtual Conference

February 9-10, 2022

32 Sessions. 1 Keynote. 1 Roundtable.

For 2022, our conference is virtual on the Hopin meeting platform, giving you a greater opportunity to attend. No flights, no drives, no hotels, and all DNN!

Want to learn more about DNN? Is your website leveraging DNN? Do you build or manage websites for others or yourself using the DNN Platform? Do you develop themes and modules that extend the capabilities of DNN? Then this conference is for you.

And it’s never been easier to attend. Just get your ticket and login to the hopin website from any browser from anywhere in the world and join your community for 2 great days of everything DNN.

The attendance fee is $199.


What's Hopin.to?

Hopin is an all-inclusive virtual conference platform. In order to attend the conference, you simply visit Hopin and login once you have purchased your ticket. Once logged in, you’ll see sections on:


  • Where you’ll see and hear speakers presenting topics like security, page design, application development, DNN basics, code best practices, ADA, marketing and more.

Vendor Expo

  • Where you can connect with DNN vendors to discuss your needs and their products. You might be able to get some great free advice and maybe even conference-only discounts and special offers.


  • Where you’ll be able to talk person-to-person with other attendees.


  • Where you can ask questions or offer comments in sessions, the Expo, or to the conference attendees in general.

And it’s all reached by visiting one website, from the comfort of your computer, tablet or mobile device!

Speakers at a Glance

Sessions at a Glance

Speakers will fill 32 sessions during our 2-day conference. Here are some general categories and example topics.


  • Persona Bar
  • Administration
  • Module Development
  • Headless Website
  • Evoq to DNN


  • DNN Theming
  • User Experience
  • Consistent Styling
  • Structured Content
  • Visual Page Layout


  • Purposeful Teams
  • Analytics
  • Lead Generation
  • Best in Class
  • Maximized Blogging


  • CSS Layouts
  • PWA, VueJs
  • WebAuth
  • Extension Development
  • Structured Content

Schedule at a Glance

A full calendar with each session, topic, and speaker is available here.

All times are in Pacific Standard Timezone (PST)

Thanks to Our Sponsors

2025 Gold Sponsors